
Leapers Semiconductor Hybrid Solutions Contribute to Greener Future

Category: Product News Date: 2022-09-16 15:45 Author: Leapers

Alongwiththerapidgrowthofthebatteryelectricvehiclesacrosstheworld,hydrogen-poweredfuel-cellelectricvehiclesareonthesamepathtodecarbonizemanymodesofmoderntransportation. Since the energy system becomes more reliant on renewables, hydrogen will play a very important role in the generation and storage of green power.


Through its technological innovations for automotive, IT, and renewable energy applications Leapers Semiconductor aims to move humanity forward to the better and greener future. Leapers Semiconductor strives to provide the most reliable solutions for power electronics engineers across the spectrum of industries and applications. That is why Leapers Semiconductor introduced to the market its latest F0 series Hybrid power modules.


F0 series are 1200 V hybrid power modules with press-fit terminals which integrate high performance IGBT chips and SiC diodes (figure 1). F0 series Hybrid power modules are specifically designed for:


· Solar Inverters


· Fuel-Cell DC/DC Converters

· Energy Storage Systems

                                                     Fig.1. F0 Series Hybrid Power Modules

To produce highly reliable F0 series Hybrid power modules Leapers Semiconductor uses latest generation IGBT chips and silicon carbide diodes produced in Japan. Besides F0 hybrid modules feature Si3N4 AMB substrates which combine best mechanical robustness with excellent heat dissipation properties featuring very high-power densities.


Among other features F0 series Hybrid power modules offer:

ØBlocking voltage 1200 V

ØVery low saturation voltage VCE (sat)

ØSiC diode

Ø1600 V bypass and anti-parallel diodes

ØLow inductive design

ØLow thermal resistance

ØThermistor inside

Ø175°C maximum junction temperature

At the moment Leapers Semiconductor offersF0 series Hybrid power modules as a 50A Dual Boost (figure 2) with blocking voltage of 1200V. 

Fig.2. Leapers Semiconductor F0 Product Line

Leapers Semiconductor’s SiC, IGBT and Hybrid modules portfolio including F0 series responds to all requirements set by the automotive and renewable energy applications, and together with its partners Leapers Semiconductor will contribute to reach the targets set to face the global challenges including green energy generation, storage and transmission.